Navigating illness (mental or physical) with our teenagers and young adults is a whole different ballgame. We need to empower them, yet at the same time we are still the caretaker. A lot of our work is behind the scenes and our role is vital. Knowing who is the decision-maker can also be tricky.
Jessica Snajder makes this process look easy. In this episode, Jessica shares the story of how she empowered her daughter Grace through the diagnosis and different treatments in her daughter’s Lyme journey. Often times, a healing journey can create conflict between family members. Jessica’s relationship with her daughter was strengthened. If you are navigating a challenge with your teenager or young adult, tune in to this inspiring episode.
More about Liza’s Guest:
Jessica Snajder is the founder and executive director of Partner in Lyme, a Connecticut based nonprofit whose mission is to carry the burden of Lyme.Partner in Lyme came about as a way to make something positive out of her daughter’s experience with Lyme disease.Because she could not find the silver lining in Lyme, she set out to make one and has provided 25 people with financial assistance to afford treatment and has counselled countless people in what to do when bit by a tick, how to test ticks, and how to connect with local nonprofits.This work is heartbreakingly meaningful.
Recently diagnosed with Lyme disease herself, Jessica is navigating her way through the process of healing by focusing on the foundations of health.Her own diagnosis has given Jessica a greater insight into the struggle so many with Lyme face and a greater empathy for all her daughter has endured.With her husband, two daughters, and her goldendoodle Crosby, she is creating a life that she never imagined, but is deeply appreciate of.
Jessica Snajder, Founder
Executive Director
Partner in Lyme, Inc.
501(c)(3) charitable organization
EIN 84-4473388
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please consult a tax
Liza’s Favorites:
Vital Plan
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Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation
The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totaling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment >click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants >click here for GRANTS.
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