13. Break the Cycle of Self-Sacrifice with Rita Hyland

Very Happy Stories
Very Happy Stories
13. Break the Cycle of Self-Sacrifice with Rita Hyland

In this episode, Liza dives into the concept of self-sacrifice with Transformational Coach, Rita Hyland. When moms and care-takers self-sacrifice, they injure themselves and their kids. So why surrender and allow self-injury? For starters, we think we are helping our kids, but in actuality, we are harming them.

Self-sacrifice shows up when we give up a part of ourselves and make our children more important. Examples of self-sacrifice include the following:

  • You don’t have any time for yourself.
  • You can’t make space for a morning routine.
  • You are over-extended and over-tired.

Sound familiar? Self-sacrifice is actually selfish and comes from a place of fear. When we are in self-sacrificing moments, we are displaying harmful behaviors such as:

  1. Not allowing our kids to figure things out on their own.
  2. Denying our children the space to be unhappy.
  3. Training them to believe they need something from us.
  4. Modeling the belief that our children don’t have what it takes to make it.
  5. Showing them that they are not capable.

Together, Liza and Rita discuss practical ways to stop self-sacrificing including:

  • Take care of yourself first.
  • Have faith your child will be fine and believe in them.
  • Allow your child to experience their life experiences.

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