160. Becoming the Warrior (with Jenn Donahue)

160. Becoming the Warrior (with Jenn Donahue)

Jenn Donahue PhD, was a US Navy Captain and Commodore for an 1,800-personnel Regiment. She is also a civil engineer who works on large-scale, high profile geotechnical projects. Over her military career, Jenn has built a bridge across the Euphrates River in the midst of the Iraq war, commanded an 800-personnel Battalion in Afghanistan, and constructed combat outposts in the middle of deserts filled with insurgents. Jenn has designed the seismic plans for a bridge over the Panama Canal and built roads by drilling and blasting in Ketchikan. She is President of JL Donahue Engineering and Dare to Rise. Her forthcoming book is titled Becoming the Warrior.

In this episode:

  • Jenn shared about her career as an engineer and then going into the Navy for 27 years, both active and reserve. She was only the 3rd woman to lead a battalion at that time.
  • She shared what it has been like to be in male dominated fields for her career where there were always a small percentage of women vs men.
  • How she honed her leadership style which was non-traditional compared to her peers.
  • Discussed why she wanted to write her upcoming book, Becoming the Warrior.
  • The book is for people with big goals that they want to achieve, but they have doubts as to whether they are good enough to complete them.
  • She shared one of the most challenging life or death decisions she had to make.
  • Walked through the Warrior Framework and some of the other tools from her book.

Information on Jenn:  

The Book that Janet Recommends:

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