20200319 Nicole Sandler Show – Shut In Thursday with Stephanie Kelton & Howie Klein

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20200319 Nicole Sandler Show - Shut In Thursday with Stephanie Kelton & Howie Klein

As we all hunker down for another Thursday at home, I invite you to an extended virtual get-together today. We have so much to cover and a jam-packed show, so we’re going to extend the show by 30 minutes today. We’ll take care of the latest news and the bit of funny for the day before economist and Modern Monetary Theory expert Stephanie Kelton joins in to help us understand how we’ll survive the economic aspect of the global coronavirus meltdown. Then, as usual for a Thursday, we’ll finish up the show with a visit from Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny.com and the Blue America PAC to talk about, among other things, the big progressive win in Illinois on Tuesday and the path forward for Bernie Sanders…