20200430 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Thursday in Quarantine with Howie Klein

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20200430 Nicole Sandler Show - Another Thursday in Quarantine with Howie Klein

I believe this is the fifth Thursday since I’ve been isolating at home here in Florida. Howie Klein is in California, where their stay-at-home orders started a week or two earlier. It’s not fun, but it’s certainly better than catching COVID-19 and definitely better than dying from it! There are still primary races going on, even though no one is sure when or how to vote. But today, I’ll ask Howie to run down the list of PROGRESSIVE Congressional and Senatorial candidates who still need our votes. But first, my rant about the Joe Biden-Tara Reade story and how the sickening hypocrisy on the left gives the Republican hypocrites a run for their money.