20200923 Nicole Sandler Show – The End of America? with Harvey J Kaye

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20200923 Nicole Sandler Show - The End of America? with Harvey J Kaye

It’s very difficult to digest all that’s happening around us, as it feels like the end of the American experiment. I’m not sure the US can survive if it continues on this Trumpian course. But then again, I’m not a historian. So we’ll speak with one today.

Harvey J. Kaye is a historian and former professor at University of Wisconsin/Green Bay, and the author of a number of books including Thomas Paine & the Promise of America; T_he Fight for the Four Freedoms; Take Hold of Our History; FDR on Democracy._

We’ll fully take advantage of his expertise when he joins us for the second half of the show. I’ll attempt to bring you the latest news, such as it is, in the first half.