20201104 Nicole Sandler Show – The Day After- We Dumped Trump!

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20201104 Nicole Sandler Show - The Day After- We Dumped Trump!

We made it through election day, but not without a ton of heartbreak! The landslide I was hoping for didn’t materialize. In fact, the senate will shockingly remain under Republican control with Moscow Mitch returning as majority leader. The Democrats retain control of the House , but with a much smaller majority this time out. And for a while there, it looked like Trump might even eke out a win. But thankfully it appears that he’ll be a one-term White House resident. During the first half-hour of the show, I’ll go through some of the results and take your calls. And we have a couple of visitors, as Brad Friedman of the BradCast and Driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast stop by.