20210217 Nicole Sandler Show – Radio’s Day of Reckoning and Other Issues

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20210217 Nicole Sandler Show - Radio's Day of Reckoning and Other Issues

I’m a radio veteran. My first radio job was in college at the University of South Florida in 1978. I never looked back, but I did take some detours in my chosen profession. Many of those detours could be traced back to one ugly, despicable excuse for a human being. Rush Limbaugh died today. I have a few things to say about the cretin and his legacy. But first, some important items to discuss. President Joe Biden held his first Town Hall last night with CNN. I appreciate his willingness to actually answer questions, whether I like how he answered them or not. But I posted my disagreement with one of the Progressive Left’s top priorities. I invited one of the people who responded on Twitter, saying she was “disappointed” in me. So we’ll discuss the idea of the government wiping out all student loan debt… No, I’m not in favor of it. Democratic strategist and Student Debtor Melissa Byrne will try to convince me that I’m wrong. I’m game!