20210224 Nicole Sandler Show – WTF GOP with Rick Perlstein

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20210224 Nicole Sandler Show - WTF GOP with Rick Perlstein

Lots of news to catch up with at the start of the show, as it’s hearing time in Congress. I’ll try to bring us up to speed on what’s happened so far today. Then, I’m thrilled to welcome historian and author Rick Perlstein back to the show. His books are all about the rise of modern American conservatism. His newest book (soon to be out in paperback) “Reaganland: America’s Right Turn 1976-1980” ends with Reagan being sworn in as the 40th POTUS. I’m thinking that his next book should detail the beginning of the end of the Republican party, from Donald Trump through the death of Rush Limbaugh.