This is the week that the world’s richest and most powerful were supposed to park their private jets on crowded tarmacs in Switzerland to gather and compare their fortunes while snickering at the rest of us who fly commercial. But COVID spoiled their plans. So the Davos World Economic Forum for 2022 is a virtual gathering. But gather, they must, if only to compare notes on which of these billionaires’ wealth increased the most under the pandemic. My guest today is Peter S. Goodman, author of the new book, “Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World,” just released today. He’ll tell us how the “Davos Man” (think Florida man, but filthy rich) doubled his wealth during (and thanks to) the pandemic, while for 99% of us, things got much worse. We’ll begin in the Senate where, today, they’re finally debating voting rights (thanks to an antiquated rule that allowed Democrats to proceed to debate without being subjected to the filibuster), despite there being virtually no chance whatsoever of coming out of this a winner.
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