20221018 Nicole Sandler Show – Vote Like Our Lives Depend on It (They DO!)

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20221018 Nicole Sandler Show - Vote Like Our Lives Depend on It (They DO!)

The concept of “election day” is now an anachronism. This is election season, and we’re in the thick of it. Early voting has begun in many states, and others begin each day going forward. Debates are finally happening – where they’re happening at all, and polls are tightening. The stakes couldn’t be higher. I’ll start today’s show with an essay I found on Facebook that sums up what women my age (give or take a decade) have experienced during our lives, and where we are now. Unfortunately, its author is “unknown”- but it’s brilliant. Then, I welcome Tom Sullivan to the show. Tom is a political blogger, holding down the morning shift at Digby’s blog, and a field organizer, and author of the get-out-the-vote planning guide, “For the Win” (the 4th edition now out, forthewin.net). A listener emailed me yesterday about Tom’s article at Digby’s Blog encouraging Democrats to run on their accomplishments, with the comment “Democrats need to take the narrative and start ramming this down everyone’s throat”. So, today, let the ramming begin!