I’m new to Arizona. We moved here from Florida for a number of reasons, chief among them was the fact that AZ was trending bluer while FL has become Fascist Central. Well, yesterday Arizona’s Supreme Court reinstated a law that was in effect until 1973 when Roe v Wade came into effect and legalized a woman’s right to choose what happens with her own body. Since that 1864 law was never officially removed from the books it was still in effect once Roe was overturned. ARGHH.
I attempted to get some AZ officials and others to discuss the ramifications of yesterday’s news to no avail. That makes sense as I’m guessing this is an all hands on deck moment.
So, I thought back to how we dealt with the Supreme Court overturning Roe two years ago. It was June 24, 2022 when they did the unthinkable. The following Monday, June 27, I spoke with the man regarded as the father of the birth control and abortion rights movement, Bill Baird. I was introduced to him by the always brilliant Barry W. Lynne.
When we spoke almost two years ago, Bill had just turned 90! As is too often the case, we had some technical difficulties, but it’s worth hanging through them to meet and learn about Bill Baird. I hope he will give you the inspiration he’s given me during incredibly awful times like these….
We’ll begin with a song from Jill Sobule that she wrote after Texas enacted its disgusting Fetal Heartbeat bill that outlawed abortion after six weeks.
(From Wikipedia: The Texas Heartbeat Act, Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), is an act of the Texas Legislature that bans abortion after the detection of embryonic or fetal cardiac activity, which normally occurs after about six weeks of pregnancy. The law took effect on September 1, 2021, after the U.S. Supreme Court denied a request for emergency relief from Texas abortion providers.[1] It was the first time a state has successfully imposed a six-week abortion ban since Roe v. Wade, and the first abortion restriction to rely solely on enforcement by private individuals through civil lawsuits, rather than having state officials enforce the law with criminal or civil penalties. The act authorizes members of the public to sue anyone who performs or facilitates an illegal abortion for a minimum of $10,000 in statutory damages per abortion, plus court costs and attorneys’ fees.)
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