20240605 Four Years Ago This Week on the Nicole Sandler Show

The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
20240605 Four Years Ago This Week on the Nicole Sandler Show

Americans have very short memories.
For some unfathomable reason, there are millions of people with their heads in the sand who just don’t (or won’t) remember how bad things were under TFG. The years the orange one was in office were some of the darkest of my long life. Even after we voted him out, his specter continues to torment us as women’s right to choose was taken away and threats of an even more evil and twisted Trump occupying the oval office is again a possibility. Also unfathomable.

So today, we’ll offer a bit of a reminder.

I’m still struggling with my sleep issues and I lost the battle last night, with creepy crawly legs keeping me from getting any rest at all. So I will not be doing a new show today. Instead, I went back into the show’s archives to four years ago this week.

It was June 2, 2020. Here’s the show description I wrote up for the program I’ll re-play today that I titled “Awaiting the Locusts”:

“With each new day comes a new crisis, thanks to Donald Trump. The US leads the world in covid-19 infections and deaths. We’ve lost our standing in the world. We’ve alienated our allies, while the president aligns with strong men and dictators. And yesterday, he had military police fire tear gas and flash bang grenades at peaceful protesters to clear his way for a photo op at a DC church, where he used a bible as a prop. And America burns. On Tuesdays, I gather with my gliberal girlfriends GottaLaff and Amy Simon. Today, we’ll try to figure out how our nation survives.”

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