23: Struggling with Burnout (with Nicole Weyer)
Nicole Weyer is a coach, podcaster, and educator at her core. She has an M.A. in International & Intercultural Management and is the founder of Root to Rise Coaching. Nicole stepped out of the Dean’s Office on a mission to transform educational institutions from ones that foster depletion to ones that promote emotional and physical wellness, nurture healthy organizational cultures, and honor our individual needs.
In this episode:
- Nicole shared how she saw the education field change since she first started and how the burnout that educators faced was what led her to help find ways to help them.
- We talked about the importance of having leaders tune into the needs of their teams.
- The importance of leading from a place of abundance and not scarcity.
- She shared the work that she is doing as a burnout and recovery coach with school systems.
- How leaders can tell that they are in burnout and what to do about it for themselves and team members.
- She talked about her new book called Cracking the Rich Code that was recently published. She contributed to this unique book that includes so many great co-authors and editions.She wanted to be a part of this collaboration to help amplify her voice and the voices of her co-collaborators.
Amanda’s Book Recommendations:
Connect with Amanda:
- Nicole Weyer on Faceboook (@CoachNicoleWeyer)
- Nicole Weyer on LinkedIn (in/BurnoutPreventionCoach)
- RootToRiseCoaching.com
- Purchase a copy of Cracking the Rich Code Vol 8
Thank you for joining us and we will talk to you on the next episode of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
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