In this episode, Liza interviews Dr. Bill Rawls, a leading expert in Lyme disease, integrative health, and herbal medicine. In the middle of his successful medical career, Dr. Rawls’ life was interrupted by Lyme disease. As he struggled to overcome it, he explored nearly every treatment possible – from conventional medicine to a range of alternative therapies. Learn why Lyme is more complex than just getting bit by a tick and discover how Illness goes back to gut balance and gut microbes. Healing involves cultivating a healthy gut and healthy cells in the body. Listen to this episode to find out how you can restore your own body and heal.
About Dr. Bill Rawls:
Bill Rawls is an OB-GYN and leading expert in Lyme disease, integrative health, and herbal medicine. In the middle of his successful medical career, Dr. Rawls’ life was interrupted by Lyme disease.
As he struggled to overcome it, he explored nearly every treatment possible – from conventional medicine to a range of alternative therapies. In the process, Dr. Rawls discovered a dearth of knowledge about Lyme disease in the medical community, and a shocking amount of controversy and confusion around causes, diagnosis, and treatment that left thousands of patients confused, unsupported, and chronically ill.
An avid reader and lifelong student, Dr. Rawls studied all of the research available on Lyme disease and put everything he learned into practice in his own life. Ultimately, it was a combination of diet, lifestyle, and herbal therapy that resulted in his recovery.
In the more than 10 years since Dr. Rawls has helped thousands of patients find their path to healing from Lyme disease and chronic illness. He is the author of the best-selling book Unlocking Lyme, and the Medical Director of RawlsMD.com and Vital Plan, an online holistic health company and Certified B Corporation®.
Get your FREE copy of Dr. Rawls’ book, Unlocking Lyme. Click here.
Celebrating Lyme Awareness Month:
Liza is donating all proceeds from her “Gratitude Hats” to the LymeLight Foundation to support Lyme Awareness Month. Grab your hat and grab a few for your friends who inspire you most.
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