4. Victory Over Self!

Kefi L!fe
Kefi L!fe
4. Victory Over Self!

4. Victory Over Self!

The Greek goddess NIKE – emulates victory!

Today’s Lexi:

νικᾶν – nikan – nike

This week’s LEXI applies the symbolism to be victorious over one’s self.

In today’s episode:

Meet Jennifer Del Giudice, Owner & Founder of the Wellness Studio LUXXE HONOR in the western suburbs of Chicago. This goddess in her own right stopped by the KefiL!fe headquarters for a delightful chat about her plans spread the joy of wellness nationally with her studio and natural products.  Jennifer sheds light on the importance of decreasing stress on a deeper level and how to avoid toxins on your body.

Today’s Ola Kala Moment:

It’s allergy season: during the Ola Kala moment you’ll discover which essential oil will alleviate the congestion.