In this solo episode, Liza shares the story of how she was able to navigate through a family emergency by being present and deeply aligned. What is alignment? Alignment is simply making a connection with a higher power, a higher level of consciousness, and an infinite source of energy. Why is this so important? Being aligned is Liza’s secret to experiencing more ease, more joy, more gratitude, while parenting kids with complex circumstances and even handling crisis. In this episode Liza reveals her Alignment Toolkit with listeners so they can practice a lifestyle of alignment as well. She details the importance of sleep hygiene, radical self-care, intentional movement, and boundaries. This gift is coming to you with divine timing, perfect right before the holidays. You won’t want to miss this inspiring story and special episode. *The presenting sponsor of Very Happy Stories is Currey Ingram Academy, Promoting Strengths and Supporting Differences. At Currey Ingram Academy, they settle for nothing less than being a global leader for students with learning differences. By promoting strengths and supporting differences, their students receive the education they truly deserve. Learn more here at https://www.curreyingram.org/
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