Do you struggle with your own worthiness? Do you feel unsafe? Are you a perfectionist? Chances are you are wounded, and you may have inherited these painful wounds from your very first love – Your Mother. In this episode, Liza interviews Beth Gordon, founder of Bella Mind Body Spirit. Beth shares several personal stories today to help us understand what the Mother Wound is and even more, how she healed from it. Her trigger came out in a very common way – through the birth of her daughter. The good news is, the Mother Wound is an invitation and an initiation to heal. Even more, when you heal this wound, you add to the healing of your children because energetically, this is a generational wound. Wherever you are in your healing journey, this conversation is a must listen. Download and then share it with someone you know who could use this motherly advice. Grateful for our Sponsor!
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About Liza’s Guest, Beth Gordon
Beth became a Spiritual Practitioner in 2014. She has spent her life in the healing arts working as a Physical Therapist and a yoga teacher. She is the founder of Bella Mind Body Spirit and loves listening for the prayer of your heart and assisting you to live a life you love. She does private sessions working with you for well being on all levels. Sessions are via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or Phone. She is also the co-founded and facilitator of Maiden Voyages, a nine month program for women to integrate all the stages and cycles of a woman’s life.
For information or to work with Beth contact:
Email: admin@bellamindbodyspirit.com
Phone: 630-408-3623
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