In this episode Liza interviews Katelyn Holthus, an early childhood educator and mother of two.
When Katelyn’s daughter, Lisa, experienced a sudden onset of panic and OCD, her pediatrician recommended therapy for the anxiety. Katelyn didn’t buy it. Hear Katelyn’s story and learn about the treatment that helped her daughter – Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. Liza and Katelyn also discuss the reality of being affected by the trauma of this complex illness and the dynamics that affect the entire family. Good news is, Katelyn is in a much healthier mindset and is more empowered than before. Learn how she got here!
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Mentoring Support Group – https://www.veryhappystories.com/_files/ugd/2fe795_c95290ce2b404575ba75bbfdd7d759b2.pdf
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Liza’s Favorites:
Vital Plan
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Green Compass Global
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Enjoy $10 off. Shop here: https://veryhappystories.greencompassglobal.com/products
Very Happy Stories is Partners with the LymeLight Foundation
The LymeLight Foundation is a charitable partner in the Lyme community that provides grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease. LymeLight has awarded grants totaling over $7.7M to more than 1,000 individuals in 49 states. To donate directly toward LymeLight grants which help those struggling to receive treatment >click here to DONATE. To learn more about treatment grants >click here for GRANTS.
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