70. Becoming a Leader

70. Becoming a Leader

Today’s episode is focused on becoming a leader of a team or even taking over a team. It is very exciting when it happens to you.  Leadership isn’t something that people are immediately good at when they get the title. It takes time to figure out who you are and what you stand for. Having a strong leadership foundation is great way to start, but then what?  You can take every class there is, but this is about going through situations and dealing with both great things that happen and also the things that are more challenging.

In this episode:

  • Leadership doesn’t come naturally for everyone.
  • Doubts, limiting beliefs and impostor syndrome can get in the way.
  • The importance of the first 90 days in a new role – where do you focus?
  • Learning how to advocate for yourself and your team.
  • Stepping up as a leader whether you are ready or not.
  • Are you managing your boundaries or trying to do everything?
  • Make sure you aren’t letting opportunities pass you by.

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.

Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?

This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately.  Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?

If you are interested in learning more, visit:

Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast

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As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – FacebookLinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!

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Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!