Fact…Most doctors don’t know how to heal our children. They may offer relief from symptoms, prescribe a medication and/or help boost our child’s deficiencies. But very few experts can tell you why your child has a disorder and how to heal from it. Today, Liza shares answers. She interviews Dr. Robert Melillo who reveals why our children present with so many disorders and how we can help them recover from brain imbalances and the many disconnections happening in the brain.
DR. ROBERT MELILLO is one of the most respected specialists in childhood neurological disorders in the world. Dr. Robert Melillo has been helping children and adults overcome learning disabilities for over 30 years. His areas of expertise include autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other mental, attention, behavioral and learning disorders. He is also an expert in diet, nutrition, and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.
This is an important episode if you want to understand why your children are struggling and how you can help them from a foundational level – not just a band-aid remedy. Best of all, Dr. Melillo presents his research and findings in ways that we can truly comprehend. There is hope mama! Dr. Melillo will help you connect all the dots.
Connect with Liza’s Guest:
Dr. Robert Melillo is one of the world’s most sought after and respected experts in Developmental Functional Neurology, Brain Imbalances, hemispheric integration and the correction of most neurobehavioral disorders and learning disabilities. In 2006, he created Brain Balance Achievement Centers which has approximately 150 centers and has helped tens of thousands of families. He is a prolific author and brain researcher and coauthored approximately 20 chapters in other texts on various subjects related to Dyslexia, Attention, Frontal Lobe Development and approximately 50 peer reviewed papers.In addition, Dr. Melillo has also written 5 best-selling books including his best-known Disconnected Kids which has been translated into 10 languages. He has presented at numerous scientific and clinical conferences around the world and has taught his own course in a post graduate level for over 20 years as an Associate Professor of Developmental Disabilities at National University of Health Sciences.Dr. Melillo has multiple graduate degrees in Chiropractic, Neurology, Neuroscience and Clinical Rehabilitation Neuropsychology.He has now created the Melillo Center for Developing Minds and see’s patients in private practice all over the globe both adults and children.
Follow Dr. Melillo on Instagram
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