Ep. 29 – The Jiggy Jaguar Podcast-Ana Weber

The Jiggy Jaguar Podcast
The Jiggy Jaguar Podcast
Ep. 29 - The Jiggy Jaguar Podcast-Ana Weber

she is the multi-talented author and financial expert,
Ana Weber, author of many best-sellers, one of her recent
being “Grow Your Cash Flow!”

she will tell us how to cope with the financial crisis that has
hit virtually every nation in the world, including the United States
…all due to the coronavirus over the past several months

fortunately, we have a great lady, Ana Weber, an internationally
respected financial expert to give each of us some good advice
on how to cope with the major economic problem

Ana, have you ever seen anything like this world-wide financial crisis?

How long do you feel it will last?

What can each of do to ease the burden?

Is any country more to blame than any other?

Let’s get to your popular book, “Grow Your Cash Flow”–is this
book #15 or what?

What is the secret of creating a positive cash flow? Is it to
appreciate money?

Tell us how to plan for financial success in these troubled times.

Let’s also get into your personal background? Were you born
and reared in Romania? When did you move to Israel? You
were so successful in Israel–why did you leave to come to
the U.S.?

Tell us a bit about your own favorite books…How can we purchase

Best wishes always, Ana Weber…we’ll have to have you back soon.