SO sorry for the long time since the last episode. Sometimes life gets in the way, which was the case here. The need to earn a living takes precedence over all else.
So, I recently started a new job. I’m producing The Jim DeFede Show, a new morning show at South Florida’s Progressive Talk Station, AM 940. Since music radio in South Florida is so awful, this is the station I find myself listening to most of the time, so it made sense to go there.
I do participate on-air as well, and in my role on that show, I had the opportunity to interview Graham Nash a couple of days ago. He was in town for the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young South Florida stop on the “Freedom of Speech ’06” tour.
As I knew it would be, the interview was wonderful, so I thought I’d share it with you here. I hope you enjoy it!
Graham Nash – We CAN Change the World

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