Paper 72, section 11 teaches about life on a planet and no country not unlike our own, with a similarly checkered past, and a time line commensurate with our own present advancement.
We are also informed this other off-world nation is a constitutional Republic like the United States, coexisting alongside more hostile neighboring countrries with corrollating geo-political threats similar to our own.
Why would the Revelators share this story ?
Could the revelators foresee a dangerous trajectory for our world and thought it wise to offer solutions gleaned from another sister sphere located somehwere in our galactic neighborhood?
Nowhere else in the Urantia Book are we given such a detailed description of life of other humans beings. This should stir anyone’s imagination.
It is also self-evident that our world faces grave challenges between preserving the peace, or continue suffering from more genocidal conflict. In this context, it behooves us to consider what our unseen celestial friends have to share.
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