Podcast: Hoppe Hour

Ryan Hoppe is the host of the award-winning “Hoppe Hour” podcast. It’s a circus of a radio show, in podcast form!

“Bootgate”, #BallLivesMatter, and more!

I first begin the show by bashing the media for even talking about the boots that Marco Rubio was wearing today, and for making this even a news story. I am talking about it because I want to wake up the world to the fact that Idiocracy is upon us. I…

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
"Bootgate", #BallLivesMatter, and more!

Recap of Vacation, DUI’S ARE MORONIC, Josh Duggar

Hoppe first breaks down his visit to Chicago and how he felt returning to his family house for the first time since his dad’s passing. He also talks about how much he loves Tampa Bay and feels blessed for the job. Then Hoppe rants about how…

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Recap of Vacation, DUI'S ARE MORONIC, Josh Duggar

Comedian Jason Lawhead

Comedian Jason Lawhead called into Hoppe Hour. The guys talk about how they both had there flights canceled at separate airports last week because of the weather in the mid-west. Jason then talks about his tradition of going to the Rose Bowl every…

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Comedian Jason Lawhead

Fort Wayne Mad Ants coach Steven Gansey

Steven Gansey, the coach of the Fort Wayne Mad Ants of the NBA D-League called into Hoppe Hour. He talked about how he got the position as head coach, what it’s like to be the coach, how the team has been so far at 8-5, and more!

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Fort Wayne Mad Ants coach Steven Gansey

Comedian JB Ball

Comedian JB Ball from Cigar City Comedy in Tampa Bay sat in on Hoppe Hour. The show begins by Hoppe explaining the strange story of how he lost his virginity to a 48 year old radio fan. Then the guys talk about hip-hop music, politics, and life in…

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Comedian JB Ball

Comedian Tony Mazur

Comedian Tony Mazur called into Hoppe Hour. The guys talk about the conversation they had during some down times back in March, they also talked about porn somehow, the millennial generation, and fake outrage!

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Comedian Tony Mazur

The War on Fake Outrage

I call out the website “Atheists.org” who are a bunch of trolls that spread the “War on Christmas”. I called out David Silverman who put up a billboard in Kernersville,NC (the Bible belt) and explain why this is ridiculous.

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
The War on Fake Outrage

I was over compensating, Kids don’t get enough excercise, and more!

Hoppe talks about how he has been over compensating his whole life and always trying to fitting in. Hoppe nows feels better than ever as he is embracing his awkwardness. Hoppe also talks about a study that kids aren’t getting enough exercise, and…

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
I was over compensating, Kids don't get enough excercise, and more!

Abe Kanan and Brian Haddad

Abe Kanan (The Abe Kanan Show and Mancow’s Morning Madhouse) and Brian Haddad (WIP in Philadelphia) called in on Hoppe Hour. The guys talked about there weird sex lives, Hoppe’s odd sexual experiences, how to pick up girls at the bar, and more!

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Abe Kanan and Brian Haddad

Comedian John Jacobs

Comedian John Jacobs from “Are you the One?” and “The Challenge” on MTV, and Cigar City Comedy in Tampa Bay sat in on Hoppe Hour. He talked about his career, politics, violence in America, time flying and more!

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Hoppe Hour
Hoppe Hour
Comedian John Jacobs