Podcast: The Nicole Sandler Show

Nicole Sandler’s daily fix of the latest news and fascinating guests with a healthy dose of snark and humor.

I’m grateful and thankful…

On the day before Thanksgiving, Nicole counts her blessings….

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
I'm grateful and thankful...

11-24 Hold the crooks accountable

While filling in for Rachel Maddow and Ron Reagan on Air America radio last week, Nicole Sandler spoke with David Swanson about what can be done to hold Bush & Co accountable for their crimes.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-24 Hold the crooks accountable

11-20 An interview with Scott McClellan

Nicole Sandler with former White House press secretary Scott McClellan at the Miami Book Fair this weekend.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-20 An interview with Scott McClellan

11-19-08 Naomi Klein and The Shock Doctrine

Nicole Sandler met up with Naomi Klein at the Miami Book Fair last weekend and talked about her book “The Shock Doctrine” and how it applies to the financial mess we’re in.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-19-08 Naomi Klein and The Shock Doctrine

11-14 Tom Hayden visits Radio or Not

Activist, politician, author Tom Hayden speaks with Nicole Sandler in advance of his visit to Florida for the Miami Book Fair

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-14 Tom Hayden visits Radio or Not

11-13 Palin Can’t Let Go

From Miami Florida, where the Republican Governors Association is meeting, Radio or Not brings you the audio from Sarah Palin’s first press conference, and a conversation with Amy Simon of Cheerios in my Underwear about the idea that this woman could go down in history alongside some of America’s great women… yikes!

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-13 Palin Can't Let Go

11-12-08 A Special Comment for Keith

Nicole Sandler voices her dismay over Keith Olbermann’s admission that he doesn’t vote! And what to do with Joe Lieberman now?

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-12-08 A Special Comment for Keith

11-10-08 Gay is the New Black…

Or it would be if it were up to Focus on the Family, the Mormon or Catholic churches or a large portion of our country’s evangelical Christians. Doesn’t everyone see the hypocrisy here?

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-10-08 Gay is the New Black...

11-6 Bittersweet Victory

The legalization of discrimination of a whole class of people in CA, FL and AZ on Florida shows we haven’t come as far as we had hoped.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-6 Bittersweet Victory

11-5-08 New Beginning

Yesterday, we made history as the United States elected Barack Obama our 44th President. Today’s Radio or Not features the speech he delivered last night in Chicago presented in a special way.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
11-5-08 New Beginning