Podcast: UFO Chronicles Podcast

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a show featuring firsthand-witness encounters of the strange and unexplained. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone interested in anomalous experiences.

Nik has a way of creating a safe space, free of ego or pressure, that encourages people to share. Nik allows the telling to flow freely and uninterrupted.

The body of work that host Nik Hunter has built can inform, in a way that can’t be quantified, anyone with a real interest in contact. It speaks to one of the central and often-overlooked points of our collective experiences.

Ep.122 Dreams Of Invasion (Throwback Thursday)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.122 Dreams Of Invasion (Throwback Thursday)

Ep.121 Synchronicity (Throwback Tuesday)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.121 Synchronicity (Throwback Tuesday)

Ep.182 The Blue Man

Tonight’s episode is a full witness submission sent in by Mark in Michigan. Mark has been having strange experiences his entire life. He would be visited by a being he would call ‘The Blue Man’, he would be regularly woken up by green glowing objects…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.182 The Blue Man

Ep.120 Aliens And Artists (Throwback Thursdays)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.120 Aliens And Artists (Throwback Thursdays)

Ep.119 Extraordinary Contact (Throwback Tuesday)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.119 Extraordinary Contact (Throwback Tuesday)

Ep.181 Northern Ireland UFOs / Dark Skies Germany

We are joined today by two guests; the first is Chris from Northern Ireland, and Chris will be talking about some of the things he and his colleagues have witnessed while on sky-watches with the Northern Ireland UFO Society (NIUFOS). We then head over…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.181 Northern Ireland UFOs / Dark Skies Germany

Ep.118 An Unexplained Experience (Throwback Thursday)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.118 An Unexplained Experience (Throwback Thursday)

Ep.117 The Gower Salt Marsh UFO (Throwback Tuesday)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.117 The Gower Salt Marsh UFO (Throwback Tuesday)

Ep.180 Chilean Skies

Tonight’s guest Pablo comes to us from Chile, and Pablo will be sharing his UFO sightings with us and the contact he has made through CE5. Shadow people, out-of-the-body experiences, and lucid dreaming, these events in his life that have changed Pablo…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.180 Chilean Skies

Ep.116 Black Triangle / Cube Of Fire (Throwback Thursdays)

For the next few weeks I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.116 Black Triangle / Cube Of Fire (Throwback Thursdays)