Podcast: UFO Chronicles Podcast

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a show featuring firsthand-witness encounters of the strange and unexplained. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone interested in anomalous experiences.

Nik has a way of creating a safe space, free of ego or pressure, that encourages people to share. Nik allows the telling to flow freely and uninterrupted.

The body of work that host Nik Hunter has built can inform, in a way that can’t be quantified, anyone with a real interest in contact. It speaks to one of the central and often-overlooked points of our collective experiences.

Ep.169 I know This Sounds Crazy

A slightly longer episode today as we head down under to Melbourne, Australia to meet Brock and he will be sharing his lifelong UFO and paranormal experiences ranging from UFO sightings, missing time to Precognitive dreams, and these experiences have…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.169 I know This Sounds Crazy

Ep.93 Grey Nights (Throwback Thursday)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.93 Grey Nights (Throwback Thursday)

Ep.92 Mysterious Events (Throwback Tuesdays)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.92 Mysterious Events (Throwback Tuesdays)

Ep.168 It Flew Right Over My Head

We start off tonight in the state of Texas to hear about Clifton’s UFO sighting in Grand Prairie, when Clifton and his friend witnessed a large black object moving silently over their street in 2007. Then we head to North Carolina to speak to Mike…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.168 It Flew Right Over My Head

Ep.91 One Strange Drive Home (Throwback Thursdays)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.91 One Strange Drive Home (Throwback Thursdays)

Ep.90 A Swiss Encounter / Tree Of Rage (Throwback Tuesdays)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.90 A Swiss Encounter / Tree Of Rage (Throwback Tuesdays)

Ep.167 Dream Not Dream

We have the pleasure of Indi on this episode coming to us from North Carolina, and she will be sharing her lifelong experiences with UFOs and ET contact starting in infancy. UFO sightings, several dreams not dreams of being on board ships with the…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.167 Dream Not Dream

Ep.89 That Ain’t NASA (Throwback Thursdays)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.89 That Ain't NASA (Throwback Thursdays)

Ep.88 The Killbear Park UFO (Throwback Tuesdays)

For the next few months I will be doing a Throwback Tuesdays/Thursdays where I re-release old episodes from the archives. So don’t worry if you have heard it already as a ‘New episodes’ will continue to come out on Sundays. The idea is to get some of…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.88 The Killbear Park UFO (Throwback Tuesdays)

Ep.166 The Four Who Are One

Tonight we meet Robin from Colorado, and Robin is a lifelong experiencer with visitations by non-human entities, vivid dreams of UFOs, out of the body experiences and sightings of orbs and crafts.

More information on this episode on the podcast…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.166 The Four Who Are One