Podcast: UFO Chronicles Podcast

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a show featuring firsthand-witness encounters of the strange and unexplained. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone interested in anomalous experiences.

Nik has a way of creating a safe space, free of ego or pressure, that encourages people to share. Nik allows the telling to flow freely and uninterrupted.

The body of work that host Nik Hunter has built can inform, in a way that can’t be quantified, anyone with a real interest in contact. It speaks to one of the central and often-overlooked points of our collective experiences.

Ep.52 The Long Island Sightings

Episode: 52

Tonight we are talking to Joey from Washington D.C and he will be sharing a couple of sightings that took place in eastern Long Island New York state between 2013 and 2015 and an unusual experience his father had in his own childhood. And…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.52 The Long Island Sightings

Ep.51 Missing Time And The Man In Plaid

Episode: 51

Tonight’s guest is Scott from Jamestown in the state of New York, when he was about 12 years old and camping out in his yard with a neighboring kid they both witnessed several moving lights in the night sky that had beams of lights…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.51 Missing Time And The Man In Plaid

Ep.50 The Turnpike Lane UFO

Episode: 50

Tonight’s guest is James from London, having seen various strange lights in the sky, however, one night in late August of 2012 he got to see the real thing up close he observed a black disc with coloured lights around the center. The…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.50 The Turnpike Lane UFO

Ep.49 We All Saw It

Episode: 49

Tonight’s guest is Jamie from Baton Rouge Louisiana, in the fall of 1991 Jamie and his friends went out for a night of paranormal adventure but got lost on a logging road in the middle of nowhere and ended up witnessing a UFO in the…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.49 We All Saw It

Ep.48 All Souls Gaze Upwards Forever

Episode: 48

Tonight’s guest is Brian from California, Brian has had a number of sightings starting at a young age, which prompted his father to ask him out of the blue, “Did you really see a ufo?” Many strange experiences will be shared including…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.48 All Souls Gaze Upwards Forever

Ep.47 Fear Of the Unknown

Episode: 47

Tonight’s guest is Andrew from Pitsburg Pennsylvania, and he will be sharing an experience at the age of about 13 while on a camp out with his friends, they all saw a very bright light which was followed by time loss that left Andrew with…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.47 Fear Of the Unknown

Ep.46 The Buckeye State UFO


Vince from Ohio will be sharing two encounters witnessed by himself and his family in 2013, what he describes as a strange oval-shaped object. And a sighting of a traditional black triangle UFO over Myrtle Beach in South Carolina.

Link to…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.46 The Buckeye State UFO

Ep.45 The Lights Lit Up The Forest


Tonight’s guest is Jeremiah Sturk from Colorado, he’s had a plethora of supernatural experiences over his lifetime with other people present during these events. These experiences range from seeing UFOs to visions, dreams, actual…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.45 The Lights Lit Up The Forest

Ep.44 The Alien Mind


Our guest tonight is Robert from the UK, an empath and a channeler. Robert’s experiences would involve strange looking people around his bed when he was a child, he will also be sharing information on different beings and connections he…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.44 The Alien Mind

Ep.43 Awake With The Grays


Our guest tonight is Clint from Queensland Australia, his experience started at five years old. During the ’80s a craft hovered over his house and set off electronic items, he has also experienced very vivid dreams of being taken on board…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.43 Awake With The Grays