Monday, February 19, 2024 FULL SHOW
– We discuss mall etiquette, and why Chris wants stores to open earlier… – Someone on the show reuses dryer sheets?? – Fact or Cap for tickets to see...

– We discuss mall etiquette, and why Chris wants stores to open earlier… – Someone on the show reuses dryer sheets?? – Fact or Cap for tickets to see...
– We confess things that we got away with as kids! – Is it okay for Monica, an adult, to order off of the kid's menu? – Antoine's Binge...
– Why is Antoine apologizing to his mother today? – OCD Chronicles: Chris is hating something at the grocery store! – Voice-texting should be banned! It almost caused someone...
– Ladies Room: Sister is thinking about dropping out of the wedding?? – Who knows more Rom-Coms? Antoine or Monica? – Blown Off: Bowling Date Disaster
– What is Monica's never-ending task at home? – Brand new Social Media Smackdown – Antoine shares his most awkward Valentine's Day moment ever!
– Football Themed Dad Jokes w/Chris – Super Bowl Thang Hacks – Monica, Antoine, and Chris draft the best Super Bowl foods
– How does Monica feel about the “Bad Word Bathroom” challenge on social media right now? – The newest episode of Covert Confessions from you – Chris and Antoine...
– Did Monica shave all of her hair off??? – A fun game of Would You Rather Wednesday – What happened at Mini-Golf to get this guy blown off??
– Monica has beef with her neighbor over trashcans! – Antoine's Thang Hack for your Super Bowl cocktails. – What defines a “cool car”? You have this to hear...