Friday, December 8, 2023 FULL SHOW
– How close is Monica to being finished Christmas shopping, and why is Antoine judging her? – Who is our Person of the Year? – Monica gives an amazing...

– How close is Monica to being finished Christmas shopping, and why is Antoine judging her? – Who is our Person of the Year? – Monica gives an amazing...
– Monica and Chris debate if there should be a permanent ban on phones in school. – Does Antoine have a dumb rule when it comes to drinking with...
– Ladies Room: Last Name Drama – What's our favorite childhood Christmas memories? – Antoine takes Zoom too seriously
– We are telling you what would come on our warning labels if you could buy us! – Brand new Dad jokes from Chris! – We debate if groceries...
– Which member of the Thang thinks that the “family Christmas card” tradition should die? – Chris called out a friend for pretending to like something.. – Monica said...
– What starts Christmas for us? For Chris, it involves his dog.. – Monica got unfriended on social media, should she care? – Antoine was offended by something Chris…it...
– Ladies Room: Thanksgiving Drama – Someone brought ex to dinner – Monica has a sneaky parenting hack. – The Thang debates over the best and worst social media...
– Chris shares the song he sings to his dog. Sweet or Odd? – We act out a fight we found on social media. Someone isn't having luck with...
– Antoine thinks that Chris is going to legitimately get in trouble for what he “borrows” from hotels – Who was Monica mistaken for over the weekend? – NEW...