Monday, October 30, 2023 FULL SHOW
– Why is Chris jealous of a 4yr old? – The Thang gets into a big fight about soup – Name That Tune is back!!

– Why is Chris jealous of a 4yr old? – The Thang gets into a big fight about soup – Name That Tune is back!!
– Is it possible to celebrate Halloween “too much”? – Chris brings a new round of Dad Jokes! – Chris vs. Monica in a Horror Movie Quotes game.
– What is Monica doing topless everyday?!?! Oh…and her neighbors saw it… – Should there be rules to trick or treating? – Chris hosts Think Fast as Antoine takes...
– Antoine shares his current home invasion…he's ready to MOVE! – Ladies' Room: Gracie's BY is a little too flirty…and we find out why!! – What smell does Chris...
– Chris called out a stranger…and they thanked him??? – Is their a certain age where you can stop getting gifts for your parents? – Antoine is no longer...
– Antoine calls out Chris for his phone etiquette – Which one of the Thang slipped and fell on ice this weekend? – Monica tells Antoine he's coward???
– Antoine walked into the show feelin fancy, but why?? – The Thang shares the items that they are currently hoarding – Antoine, Monica, and Chris play two word...
– We discuss how we handle receiving an incorrect food order – Chris was a fake reference for a friend…is that okay? – Everyone has a “guilty pleasure” song,...
– How did we trick our Moms into saying yes?? – Ladies Room Update- What happened in Haylee's relationship? – What emergency light are you ignoring?