Thursday, August 10, 2023 FULL SHOW
– Antoine feels insecure doing what every time?? – Ever went to work with your parents? How much did it suck? – Monica has a brand new food addiction...

– Antoine feels insecure doing what every time?? – Ever went to work with your parents? How much did it suck? – Monica has a brand new food addiction...
– Monica is now a football Mom?!?! – Ladies Room: Her Roomie Moved The Boyfriend In – Weirdest place you've made a friend as an adult?
– Conspiracy Theory: Is cow tipping a real thing? – How are Monica's daughter's driving lessons going? – Florida man broke into a church and did what?!?!?
– Unpopular Opinions: Antoine wants a resurgence of landlines – Should young kids have access to the internet? – Antoine is trying Outfit Prepping. Will he be successful?
– 2 exercises to lower your blood pressure – Antoine admits that he is scared of hot sauce?!?! – Name That Tune – Does Monica lose??
– Ladies Room: Can You Un-Invite your Sister-In-Law? – Monica just made the ULTIMATE old person purchase. – Celebrity AirBNBs
– Antoine is suffering from insecurity lately… – Most random item we have ever stolen – Why is Monica apologizing for giving out hugs?
– Who won the 'NSYNC dance-off between Antoine and Monica? – Unpopular Opinion: Are Group Chats overrated? – Antoine makes a case to get rid of rollercoasters
– Antoine and Monica have a discussion about school supplies – What's the first thing you decide to wear? Antoine picks his shoes, and Monica picks….her bra?? – Antoine...