ROCKFILE Podcast 01: Introduction
This short Podcast is my Introduction to you. This is only the beginning, stay tuned for music and movie reviews, special shows, interviews and more! And thanks for listening!

This short Podcast is my Introduction to you. This is only the beginning, stay tuned for music and movie reviews, special shows, interviews and more! And thanks for listening!
Podcast 02 is my first movie review. I streamed ANTI MATTER over the weekend and decided to give you my thoughts. If you like sci-fi mysteries, I think you will enjoy this 2016 low budget but well made thriller. More movie and music reviews are on the wa…
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Doug Bradley (actor / Hellraiser) via phone May 8, 2013
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Brian Vodinh (10 Years) backstage at Revolution Live Ft Lauderdale FL October 14, 2012
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Herman Li (Dragonforce) backstage at House Of Blues Orlando FL May 23, 2015
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Sean Tibbetts (Kamelot) backstage at House Of Blues Orlando FL May 23, 2015
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Philip Labonte (All That Remains) backstage at Culture Room Ft Lauderdale FL April 27, 2015
Scott Hamilton (Rockfile Radio) with Daniel Oliver (Nothing More) backstage at Revolution Live Ft Lauderdale FL January 14, 2015