Urantia Radio Podcast

Hosted ByJim Watkins

A podcast about the many different fascinating topics contained in the Urantia Book.

In man’s long history there have been periodic revelations of truth given to the human race to help man along the evolutionary path to enlightenment.

Much like getting a periodic software upgrade so that we can have better efficiency, these revelations come from the spiritual world, from the sources of truth itself in order to upgrade our thinking so as to improve our understanding of spiritual concepts.

The Urantia Radio Podcast explores the writings of the latest epochal revelation, The Urantia Book, packed with a literal narrative of time itself.

We cover science, philosophy, history, religion, true spirituality, Jesus’ teachings, the teachings of many great spiritual leaders, anthropology, social evolution and so much more.

Host Jim Watkins has studied and written about the Urantia Book for 30 years. There is so much to explore.

It was the plan of the Revelators of the Urantia papers to share with us the truth about our origins, our purpose and our destiny. This podcast is dedicated to that mission.

Jim produces one or sometimes several podcasts per week. Check back often.

All Episodes

What Might Have Been

I this episode we discuss the ancients civilization of Dalamatia and what might have been the course for humanity as detailed in Paper 50 of the Urantia Book. A...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
What Might Have Been

Adam, Eve and The Six Colored Races

In this podcast we look at why the Revelators say evolution calls for different colored races to evolve and what contributions are made by having this diversity.  Also included...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Adam, Eve and The Six Colored Races

The Spirit of Truth Discernment – Thank you Jesus

In this heartfelt episode I wanted so much to share with you a recent profound experience I had when thinking about the Spirit of Truth that Jesus gave to...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
The Spirit of Truth Discernment - Thank you Jesus

Do They Vote in Heaven?

With all of the discussion about voting, one wonders is there is a spiritual template from which we can draw to give us guidance on the best way to...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Do They Vote in Heaven?

A Few Reasons Why (Humanity Has Been Given a Revelation)

I came up with seven possible explanations for why the Revelators decided to provide humanity with an epochal revelation with highly spiritual concepts, historically expansive and revealed new truth,...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
A Few Reasons Why (Humanity Has Been Given a Revelation)

Sign of The Times – Are We in Tribulation?

In this podcast episode we look at an extraordinary event that occurred in 2017 that could have marked the beginning of a 7-year period of intense global spiritual testing....

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Sign of The Times - Are We in Tribulation?

Trust in Your Pilot

Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Trust in Your Pilot

Meaning of the Cross – Examining the Atonement Doctrine in Christianity

Pastor and author Dr. Stephen Finlan joins us to talk about his new book Salvation Not Purchased (Cascade Books) which looks at how the idea of Jesus paying a...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Meaning of the Cross - Examining the Atonement Doctrine in Christianity

Achieving World Peace in Five Easy Steps

In this episode we look at the notion of World Peace and if it is even achievable. If it is, how do we get there? What do we need...

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Urantia Radio Podcast
Urantia Radio Podcast
Achieving World Peace in Five Easy Steps