The Smokin’ Hot Toddcast

Hosted ByHot Toddy

From interviews to sketch comedy, The Smokin' Hot Toddcast is a look at the world through the eyes of Hot Toddy and his Band of Merry Weridos!

S4 E19: The Agony of Wacky Kid Jokes

The Smokin' Hot Toddcast
The Smokin' Hot Toddcast
S4 E19: The Agony of Wacky Kid Jokes

The Toddcast Crew have been gone for 3 weeks and the second they return…Hot Toddy tortures them. YES! This week Hot Toddy subjects his…subjects, to the book by Jovial Bob Stein; 101 Wacky Kid Jokes. Spoiler alert: these things aren’t wacky and they’re barely jokes. But you’ll get everybody’s reactions to these things, also Hot Toddy has a really weird dream and he’s created a new soap opera. So sit back and enjoy an all new episode of the Smokin’ Hot Toddcast!