The Smokin’ Hot Toddcast

Hosted ByHot Toddy

From interviews to sketch comedy, The Smokin' Hot Toddcast is a look at the world through the eyes of Hot Toddy and his Band of Merry Weridos!

S4 E3: Vacationing with Irma

The Smokin' Hot Toddcast
The Smokin' Hot Toddcast
S4 E3: Vacationing with Irma

As you know, we were on vacation last week and quite the bumpy one it was because Hot Toddy and Ms. Pengrino took a trip to Charleston, South Carolina! Now SC wasn’t in the main path, however, it did get the remnants of Hurricane Irma. That didn’t stop our crew though and off they went! And this week you’ll get to hear about their Charleston adventures before, during and after Irma makes her mark! You’ll also catch up on how the Vols are doing AND IT’S THE EXCITING RETURN OF THE OLLIE REPORT! It’s all coming up in this week’s Smokin’ Hot Toddcast!