Podcast: UFO Chronicles Podcast

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a show featuring firsthand-witness encounters of the strange and unexplained. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone interested in anomalous experiences.

Nik has a way of creating a safe space, free of ego or pressure, that encourages people to share. Nik allows the telling to flow freely and uninterrupted.

The body of work that host Nik Hunter has built can inform, in a way that can’t be quantified, anyone with a real interest in contact. It speaks to one of the central and often-overlooked points of our collective experiences.

Ep.102 They’re Coming Again

For tonight’s guest, we are going to head back to the State of Georgia this episode to hear from Brittany and her witness encounter of possible Alien visitations that began in 2015. Black translucent creatures in her hallway and vivid dreams of being…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.102 They're Coming Again

Ep.101 UFO Chase / A Childhood Encounter

The first of two of our guests tonight is Gene from the State of Georgia, with his witness account of a UFO being chased by two F/A 18 back in the summer of 1994. Then we head over to the UK with Steve in Scotland, and his encounter with a craft in…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.101 UFO Chase / A Childhood Encounter

Ep.100 The Pentyrch UFO Incident

In tonight’s show we have Caz Clarke with her encounter from February 2016 that occurred in the village of Pentyrch South Wales. Caz and her neighbour witnessed a huge pyramid UFO that jettisoned a smaller green craft, they were also approached by two…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.100 The Pentyrch UFO Incident

Ep.99 Summer Of Sasquatch

In this episode we are going to hear from Dale in Ohio, and his witness account of a Sasquatch that he and his friends encountered in the summer of 1980 around the heavily wooded areas that surrounded their properties.

.More information on this…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.99 Summer Of Sasquatch

Ep.98 It Landed In The Park/Sightings In Mayberry

We are going to be starting off tonight with Shanda from Michigan, and she will be sharing her experiences with the paranormal, astral projection and a UFO that she observed in a park. Then we are going to be heading down to the state of Virginia to…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.98 It Landed In The Park/Sightings In Mayberry

Ep.97 The Visitor/Paranormal Portland

Our first of two guests is Nick from Michigan and his experience occurred on a hospital ward, the patient next to his cubical would often talk of Aliens and how they would visit him. Nick immediately thought he was crazy! until there was a…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.97 The Visitor/Paranormal Portland

Ep.96 The Outer Banks/The Gargoyle

We have two guests to share their experiences and both of them are from California. First of all, we meet Ty and his UFO sightings in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Followed by Alex and his childhood encounter with a Goblin/Gargoyle type entity…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.96 The Outer Banks/The Gargoyle

Ep.95 A Scottish Encounter

In this episode, we are blessed with Helen’s account of an encounter with an unknown object. In October 1982 Helen’s parents and her three young children had driven up to visit the relatives in the north of Scotland, a relatively run of the mill…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.95 A Scottish Encounter

Ep.94 A Traffic Stopper In Minnesota

Our guest we’re going to be hearing from tonight is TC from Oregon, he was witness to an extra-ordinary daytime event on a clear, sunny summer morning in 1977. It was a very large object hovering less than two hundred feet of the ground, completely…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.94 A Traffic Stopper In Minnesota

Ep.93 Grey Nights

Episode: 93

For episode 93 of the podcast we are joined by Jimmy from Iowa. Jimmy’s experiences started back in the 1970s and he remembers very vivid and real dreams involving what he believes to be Grey Aliens, Were they just merely dreams or…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.93 Grey Nights