Of interest to lovers of the two BIGGEST forms of entertainment: MUSIC and MOVIES, join J.R. Russ and Hall of Fame Broadcaster John Records Landecker as they explore and discuss "The HITS...you hear in MOVIES™" in the fun and irreverent way you would expect from two career radio guys.
Movies are packed with hit music. From “Back to the Future” and “Beverly Hills Cop” to “Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2” and anything “James Bond.” “The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast” TALKS about “The Hits… you hear in MOVIES™” because we don’t wanna PAY to play them! Besides, they are HITS so you’ll know most of them and there are a zillion places on the web to hear them if you don’t.
J.R. Russ‘ career includes stops at major market radio stations in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Buffalo, and more, plus The Voice of America and SiriusXM. John Records Landecker
has worked in the major markets of Chicago, Philadelphia, Toronto and Cleveland and is in TWO broadcast Halls AND The Rock and Roll HOF.
Some radio stations say, “You know every song we play.” Well between these two guys, they’ve played every song you know! Plus they are avid movie buffs, so they love talking about movies—as well as the music featured in them!
November 18, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:15:35Comments Off on #23 Gross Pointe Blank
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio introduce you to www.MovieTicketRadio.com, podcast #23 & the music in #GrossPointeBlank w/@johncusack. Shoutout to @jeremypiven, his podcast, mom & @piventheatre. “After a while you…get to…LIKE IT”...
November 4, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:30:29Comments Off on #22 James Bond – Bondtober -Part 4
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio continue #Bondtober as www.MovieTicketRadio.com podcast #22 looks at music in ALL the @Bond25News #007 movies! If you STILL didn't see #NoTimeToDie we won't spoil it! Shoutout...
October 29, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:30:31Comments Off on #21 James Bond – Bondtober -Part 3
The @LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio continue #Bondtober as www.MovieTicketRadio.com podcast #21 looks at music in ALL the @JamesBondLive @007 movies! If you didn't see #NoTimeToDie we won't spoil it! It's...
October 20, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:29:31Comments Off on #20 James Bond – Bondtober -Part 2
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio present #Bondtober as the www.MovieTicketRadio.com podcast #20, music in ALL the @JamesBondLive @007 movies AND the #BondCars! Shoutout to @therealautoblog, @astonmartin, @BMW @BMWUSA & @Jaguar @JaguarUSA. ...
October 10, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:23:04Comments Off on #19 James Bond – Bondtober -Part 1
The @LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio publish early in #Bondtober as www.MovieTicketRadio.com podcast #19 looks at music in ALL the @JamesBondLive @007 movies! If you didn't see ##notimetodie we won't spoil...
October 7, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:18:54Comments Off on #18 – Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues
The @LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio www.MovieTicketRadio.com podcast #18 looks at music in @Anchorman2 #Anchorman w/@SteveCarell @1cApplegate, @Drake. John tells a @StyxtheBand story. Enjoy with “Chicken of the Cave”, RETWEET, SHARE,...
September 29, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:15:21Comments Off on #17 – Anchorman, The legend of Ron Burgundy
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio introduce you to www.MovieTicketRadio.com & podcast #17 with the music in @Anchorman:The legendofRonBurgundy #Anchorman. The guys also shoutout to the #NPR show #Wait,wait. Don'ttellme so, STAY...
September 23, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:15:46Comments Off on #16 – Suicide Squad – Volume 2
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio introduce you to www.MovieTicketRadio.com & podcast #16 with the music in @DCComics @SuicideSquadWB @HBOMax w/@JohnCena AND @KeanuMovie w/@KeyAndPeele @KeeganMKey @JordanPeele! Kitten, please…SHARE, RETWEET, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE. ...
September 16, 2021qodpod
The Movie Ticket Radio Podcast 00:17:52Comments Off on #15 – Deadpool – Volume 2
@LandeckerJohn & @JRRussRadio introduce you to www.MovieTicketRadio.com & podcast #15 with the music in @DeadpoolMovie 2 w/Ryan @VancityReynolds. JR has @CliveDavis cred John dives deeper into the @Marvel Universe…RIP...