The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.
Content details: This show sometimes contains adult language.
All Episodes
20220419 Nicole Sandler Show – Every Other Tuesday with GottaLaff
It’s that other Tuesday, so Laffy’s here. We’ve got lots to talk about, starting with the idiotic dic -tator MoRon DeathSentence showing just how low he can go. Then...

20220418 Nicole Sandler Show – The World’s Gone Mad and Hong Kong’s Calling
It’s the Monday after a big holiday weekend and it feels like it should be a holiday, but it isn’t. The news is awful, as it has been for...

20220415 Nicole Sandler Show – Marcy Wheeler on Prosecuting the Insurrectionists
We end this week with another visit from Marcy Wheeler. If you’re one of the few who don’t know, Marcy Wheeler has been doing an amazing job keeping track...

20220414 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein; CPC We’ve Got a Problem
It’s Thursday, so Howie Klein is here. Today, I know exactly what we’ll be talking about. There are a few reports out today about the Congressional Progressive Caucus endorsing...