The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.
Content details: This show sometimes contains adult language.
June 28, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:00:35Comments Off on 20240628 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show (SCOTUS/Debate edition)
It’s time for our weekly get-together info download with Marcy Wheeler of And it’s another week ending with out disbelief over what’s happening in our corner of the...
June 27, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:03:45Comments Off on 20240627 Busy Thursday with Lisa Graves and Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show
What a day! The Extreme Supremes this morning handed down four more decisions out of the dozen or so still tba… and then signaled that they will not get...
June 26, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 00:59:59Comments Off on 20240626 Lisa Graves on Grave Injustice on the Nicole Sandler Show
With the Extreme Court allegedly poised to hand down the final decisions for this term over the next two days, we’re joined again by the Nicole Sandler Show’s unofficial...
June 25, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:07:31Comments Off on 20240625 Health Insurance Hero Whistleblower Wendell Potter on the Nicole Sandler Show
Yesterday, the HEALTH CARE un-covered Newsletter arrived in my inbox, sporting the headline “Fifteen Years Ago Today I Became a Whistleblower”. It was from Wendell Potter who remains a...
June 24, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:05:49Comments Off on 20240624 F Covid and the F’ing News on the Nicole Sandler Show
After a rebound infection with COVID over the weekend (I’m not kidding), I’m almost feeling human today. The icing on the cake was a negative test this morning! Yippee!!...
June 21, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:01:32Comments Off on 20240621 Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show
Marcy Wheeler is on holiday and I’m still on the mend from a nasty case of Covid, but we managed a fascinating hour of conversation about everything from Hunter...
June 20, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:03:16Comments Off on 20240620 Thursdays with Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show
I’m back today, hopefully my voice will hold up for the hour.I’m no longer testing positive for Covid, so I’ve got that going for me. Any my brain isn’t...
June 20, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 01:00:14Comments Off on 20240619 Testing the Waters Today with Heather Cox Richardson on the Nicole Sandler Show
I’m slowly emerging from the Covid fog, but still have a way to go before I’m feeling fine. So today, I’ll test the waters with a short live segment....
June 14, 2024qodpod
The Nicole Sandler Show 00:59:59Comments Off on Emptywheel Fridays on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-14-24
I’m still out sick with Covid, but we couldn’t let today go by without hearing from Marcy Wheeler! So with an assist from Spocko and LOLGOP aka Jason Statler,...