The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.
Content details: This show sometimes contains adult language.
All Episodes
20200828 Nicole Sandler Show – How We Got Here- The Rise of the Right (or Wrong) with Rick Perlstein
Rick Perlstein has written the definitive history of the rise of conservatism in American politics. His fourth and allegedly final book in the series, “Reaganland: America’s Right Turn” is...
20200827 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursday with Howie Klein and Dave Zirin Too
Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC joins Nicole every Thursday to talk politics. Today that means the RNC shit-show, Republicans jumping ship, progressives who...
20200826 Nicole Sandler Show – BLM, RNC and Monopolies with Thom Hartmann
Broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann is our guest today, joining in to discuss his newest book, “The Hidden History of Monopolies”. But we begin the show with the latest...
20200825 Nicole Sandler Show – Trumping Tuesdays with GottaLaff
Last week, the Democrats held their virtual convention; this week it’s the Republicans turn. Who better to talk with about all the news being made than my friend, @GottaLaff....