010410 Nicole Sandler Show
After some technical difficulties at the beginning of the show, Nicole speaks with Jacques Gaillot of GSM consulting regarding Marco Rubio, and Jayne King of the Florida Green party....

The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.
After some technical difficulties at the beginning of the show, Nicole speaks with Jacques Gaillot of GSM consulting regarding Marco Rubio, and Jayne King of the Florida Green party....
Nicole speaks with FireDogLake’s David Dayen about the debate between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman, DownWithTyranny’s Howie Klein, Progressive Democrats of America’s Tim Carpenter
Nicole speaks with Truthout’s Jason Leopold about his latest story on BP, comedian John Fuglesang, and BradBlog’s Brad Friedman about the newest illegal antics of James O’Keefe.
Nicole Sandler speaks with Justin Coussoule-who’s running against John Boehner in Ohio’s 8th CD; Nat Geo’s Joel Bourne on “Can the Gulf Survive?”, Ellen Ratner from Talk Radio News...
Nicole speaks with Beth Becker and Neal Rauhauser of Progressive PST about their use of social media to promote and help progressive candidates. Victoria Jones of the Talk Radio...
Nicole Sandler speaks with Marc Luzietti of the Socialist Party of FL; Donna Smith of Cal Nurses & PDA’s Healthcare Not Warfare; Ellen Ratner with the news; and comedian...
Nicole speaks with HuffPost’s Ryan Grim about yesterday’s filibuster; with Michael Hirsh about his new book “Capital Offense” and the end of Summers’ reign; Ellen Ratner with the news;...
Nicole Sandler speaks with law professor Marjorie Cohn about Bradley Manning and wikileaks; with FL25 Democratic Congresional candidate Joe Garcia; and Lt. Dan Choi about today’s cloture vote on...
Nicole Sandler talks about the news with Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars, and Victoria Jones of the Talk Radio News Service.