10-21-09 Musicians for Closing Gitmo
Lisa Derrick (LaFiga.firedoglake.com) joins Nicole Sandler to break the story about musicians whose music was used to torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay joining forces to urge closing the detention...

The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.
Lisa Derrick (LaFiga.firedoglake.com) joins Nicole Sandler to break the story about musicians whose music was used to torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay joining forces to urge closing the detention...
Radio host/author Thom Hartmann joins Nicole Sandler to discuss the idea of “corporate personhood” and how it came to be.
Andy Bichlbaum, one of the Yes Men, speaks with Nicole Sandler about their prank on the US Chamber of Commerce, all in the name of climate change!
Dr. Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, speaks with Nicole Sandler about the Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything. That’s followed by Nicole’s reading of an open...
Bruce Mirken of the Marijuana Policy Project speaks with Nicole Sandler about the new DOJ announcement regarding medical marijuana
Larisa Alexandrova of Raw Story and atlargely.com pays a weekly visit to the Nicole Sandler Show on Air America media
Author/Journalist Olivia Gentile speaks with Nicole Sandler about her book “Life List”
Democratic Strategist Mike Lux speaks with Nicole Sandler about a great idea for the public option
Harvey Wasserman, author of Solartopia, speaks with Nicole Sandler about the NY Times Op Ed piece by John Kerry and Lindsay Graham calling for more nukes, “clean” coal, and...