The Nicole Sandler Show

Hosted ByNicole Sandler

A daily look at the news plus conversations with fascinating people.

The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.

No paywall blocking this show for anyone, though we are listener supported. So listen, enjoy and if you can, please support us with a donation.

Content details: This show sometimes contains adult language.

All Episodes

9-11-08 Seven years later

9/11… Seven years later. A look back, and a conversation with Five for Fighting’s John Ondrasik about how his song, “Superman” became an anthem for the heroes that day.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-11-08 Seven years later

9-10-08 South Florida – worth fighting for?

For the first of today’s two parter on Radio Or Not, Nicole Sandler examines some of the problems here in South Florida. We say some, because if we were...

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-10-08 South Florida - worth fighting for?

9-9 Goodness Gracious

Media bias, the Republicans crying foul, and a look at what’s happening in Florida with outgoing House Minority Leader and Senate candidate Dan Gelber

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-9 Goodness Gracious

9-8 Hypocrisy and Sarah Palin

The definition of hypocrisy = Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-8 Hypocrisy and Sarah Palin

9-5 The Party’s Over

The conventions are history… now it’s on to the general campaign!

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-5 The Party's Over

9-4 Sarah Palin- VP out of central casting

The Palin family – straight out of central casting to the McCain campaign!

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-4 Sarah Palin- VP out of central casting

9-3 Joe Biden visits South Florida

Joe Biden visited us here in South Florida yesterday, and I was there.

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
9-3 Joe Biden visits South Florida


John McCain chooses Alaksa Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. I’d have preferred Monty Python’s Michael Palin….

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show

8-29 Yes We Can… We Just Did!

A wonderful day in Denver!

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The Nicole Sandler Show
The Nicole Sandler Show
8-29 Yes We Can... We Just Did!