9-30-08 It’s Truly ‘Theater of the Absurd’
As the bailout fails, not too long after McCain took the credit for getting it done, the weird just keeps getting weirder….
The Nicole Sandler Show moved online from its previous home on Air America Radio the night the network went off the air… in January 2010! Her daily show features the latest news and interviews with newsmakers and other fascinating people.
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As the bailout fails, not too long after McCain took the credit for getting it done, the weird just keeps getting weirder….
A bailout plan has been written and is being debated by the House today. Are we rushing into this too quickly? Also, a look at Friday’s presidential debate and...
We awoke this morning to the news that Washington Mutual has failed, and now becomes the biggest bank in history to go down. And John McCain is posturing and...
Nicole returns from NY, just in time to try to figure out what John McCain is up to. Suspending his campaign and trying to postpone tomorrow’s debate? WTF!?!?!
Robert Lamarche of the Alliance for Children called in to give us the scoop on how Florida might be on the verge of getting rid of the ban on...
Mayor Raul Martinez, candidate for Congress from Florida’s District 21 and former Mayor of Hialeah, calls in to the program. He was supposed to by my special correspondent from...
A quick look at the economic mess we’re in, and how John McCain continues proving he hasn’t got a clue…
McCain admitted he doesn’t know enough about the economy… he said he needs to be educated. But he certainly knew enough in 1989 to be one of the Keating...
Today, or Radio Or Not, we examine the remainder of Sarah Palin’s interview with Charlie Gibson, and wonder whether or not we could survive a McCain/Palin administration…