Podcast: UFO Chronicles Podcast

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a show featuring firsthand-witness encounters of the strange and unexplained. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone interested in anomalous experiences.

Nik has a way of creating a safe space, free of ego or pressure, that encourages people to share. Nik allows the telling to flow freely and uninterrupted.

The body of work that host Nik Hunter has built can inform, in a way that can’t be quantified, anyone with a real interest in contact. It speaks to one of the central and often-overlooked points of our collective experiences.

Ep.22 A Lifetime Of Contact


Our guest tonight is Chloe from California US, she has experiences going back to her childhood, having what she thought were dreams of being laid down on a flat table in a room with curved corners surrounded by beings she couldn’t…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.22 A Lifetime Of Contact

Ep.21 My Impossible Past

Our guest tonight is Ray from North Carolina US, and he will be sharing with us some unusual events that have happened to him since he was an infant. Ray has had Visions from the past and the future. Precognition? Premonition?…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.21 My Impossible Past

Ep.20 Big Sky Encounters

  Our guest tonight is Patrick from New Jersey US, he will be gracing our podcast with encounters he had on his travels to the wilderness of Montana with UFOs and a Sasquatch. 

Patrick McFadden Jr 
Link to Soundcloud…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.20 Big Sky Encounters

Ep.19 Alien Revelations

     Today’s guest is Mike from Lancashire, UK.  He has had many Alien abduction experiences since early childhood, he can remember waking in the middle of the night and finding he was surrounded by small pale beings, on several separate…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.19 Alien Revelations

Ep.18 The Ronny Dawson Experience

Today’s guest is Ronny an oil tanker driver from Ranger, Texas and he will be sharing his sightings of strange crafts and a visit from two humanoid females that would change his life forever. 

Want to share your encounter on the show?…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.18 The Ronny Dawson Experience

Ep.17 The Wairarapa Incident, NZ

Today’s guest is Roger from New Zealand, and he will be sharing an encounter he had with a UFO that he saw next to his house in the ’90s in Wairarapa.  And strange beings on at least 5 or 6 occasions one in particular was nothing like a…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.17 The Wairarapa Incident, NZ

Ep.16 The Powell River Sasquatch

Our guest tonight is Brittany from Powell River in British Columbia, and she will share an up-close encounter of a Sasquatch during a walk-in dense forest behind her property, glowing red orb in the forest and a close encounter of the 5th…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.16 The Powell River Sasquatch

Ep.15 The Mantis Encounter

Our guest this Episode is Rev James and he comes to us from Arkansas US, and he is going to be sharing the encounter he had with a black-cloaked Mantis being, a four-foot-tall owl and a visit from the Men in Black.

Want to share your…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.15 The Mantis Encounter

Ep.14 Missing Time In Virginia

Our guest this Episode is Miles from Maryland, and his story starts in 2007 on a journey home late at night with his then-pregnant girlfriend. They left a friend’s house at 12 am.  The trip normally only took them 15 min to get home,…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.14 Missing Time In Virginia

Ep.13 Night Of The Shadow Demon

Tonight’s guest is Nathan and he comes to us from  Alabama in the US, and Nathan will be sharing two UFO sightings he had, one as a child in the 80s and another more recently. And an encounter he had with what he calls ‘scary shadow…

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UFO Chronicles Podcast
UFO Chronicles Podcast
Ep.13 Night Of The Shadow Demon