R.O.G. Return on Generosity

Hosted ByShannon Cassidy

A half hour interview show featuring innovative leaders who cultivate a culture of giving, belonging and thriving together. In each episode, we’ll explore how generosity at work impacts the bottom line and address cultural dynamics, team behavior and peer relationships.

What is the return on generous leadership and a generous culture? Host Shannon Cassidy speaks with innovative leaders who share real-life examples of the dividend of investing in others.

In each episode, we explore how generosity at work impacts the bottom line and address topics like cultural dynamics, team behavior and peer relationships. How do the givers give at work? What mindset enables them to think of others? Our mission is to be a catalyst for a work environment that emphasizes psychological safety, “one-team” mentality and strengths deployment. How can you become an organization where individuals matter, teams collaborate, and strengths are volunteered? We’ll hear from leaders who believe in creating a culture of giving. We’ll learn their “why” and get key takeaways that spark new practices and outlook on generous leadership. Join the conversation on R.O.G. Return on Generosity with Shannon Cassidy, CEO and Founder of bridge between, inc.

All Episodes

79. Fred Maahs – Universal Design for Leadership

79. Fred Maahs – Universal Design for Leadership
“My utopia is someday, we’re not going to be having this conversation. Access – just is. People with disabilities – just are, and everything is normalized…People with disabilities aren’t, “the others”. We’…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
79. Fred Maahs - Universal Design for Leadership

78. Tiffany Yu – Disability Is Not a Bad Word

78. Tiffany Yu – Disability Is Not a Bad Word  
​​”Just because I exist means that I have a gift to impart on the world . . . It hurts my heart that so many of us feel devalued because of the way that our body and our mind works differently. And I think …

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
78. Tiffany Yu - Disability Is Not a Bad Word

77. Fausta Ballesteros – Communities of Contagious Compassion

77. Fausta Ballesteros – Communities of Contagious Compassion  
“It (generosity) is contagious, right? It’s a pay it forward.  When someone is generous with me, you want to do it to others.. You find yourself wanting to be better, to be more generous to …

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
77. Fausta Ballesteros - Communities of Contagious Compassion

76. Darlene Chapman-Holmes – Faster Together

76. Darlene Chapman-Holmes – Faster Together
“Get out of your comfort zone, because you can’t grow unless you stretch.”

Guest Info:

Darlene Chapman-Holmes is the Director of Development at Women Business Collaborative where she creates partnerships fo…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
76. Darlene Chapman-Holmes - Faster Together

75. Shirley Powell – Listen Without Judgement

75. Shirley Powell – Listen Without Judgement
“Do you care more about the relationship or do you care more about being right?”

Guest Info:

Shirley Powell is Senior Vice President of Communications and Industry Relations at Cox Automotive, a global aut…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
75. Shirley Powell - Listen Without Judgement

74. Debbie Epstein Henry – Take Smart Risks

74. Debbie Epstein Henry – Take Smart Risks
“You want to pay a lot of attention to what does interest you…is there a market need? Are you the type of person to fill whatever niche it is? What are other people seeking you out to do? That’s enormously valu…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
74. Debbie Epstein Henry - Take Smart Risks

73. Karen Bennett – Show Up On Time

73. Karen Bennett – Show Up On Time
“What generosity is..it’s how you have willingness and desire to help others. And help is, frankly, in the eye of the beholder. Generosity is the willingness to make yourself available, whatever that looks like to what…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
73. Karen Bennett - Show Up On Time

72. Michael Hudson – Lessons Earned

72. Michael Hudson – Lessons Earned
“The earned lesson point is one of these things that I think goes to how I believe we all need to be constantly and continuously improving, constantly assessing, evaluating, constantly asking ourselves what did that me…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
72. Michael Hudson - Lessons Earned

71. Cianna Stewart – Dying Kindly

71. Cianna Stewart – Dying Kindly
“If you think about the impact that your death will have on the people that you leave behind, the people that you say that you love, then, you want that to be as good an experience as it can be in a really bad circumstan…

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R.O.G. Return on Generosity
R.O.G. Return on Generosity
71. Cianna Stewart - Dying Kindly